Your Organization
From Liability Exposures

Liability Insurance Solutions

Employment Practices Liability: Extend Your Coverage for Workplace-Related Practices

Coverage designed to cover the liability of an organization and its management for employment-related wrongful acts, errors or omissions. Common types of claims include wrongful termination, sexual harassment, discrimination, invasion of privacy, breach of contract and wage and hour violations. Recent headlines of harassment allegations in the workplace and the #metoo movement highlight the need for EPLI insurance.

Excess/Umbrella Liability: An Extra Layer of Coverage

Excess or Umbrella Liability policies cover damages and defense costs in excess of coverage provided by any scheduled primary policies held by the insured.

These extensions are available for a wide range of circumstances. Owens Group can help identify the best policy for your needs.

Fiduciary Liability: Securing Those With Whom We Place Our Trust

Covers the liability of those serving in a fiduciary capacity, for financial loss due to an alleged breach of duties.  Fiduciary Liability insurance can be issued to either the employer that sponsors the benefits plan or to the plan itself. It is appropriate for retirement plans, health plans, life insurance and disability plans, and employee benefits plans of all kinds. Coverage is not limited to ERISA plans, so if you have a non-ERISA benefits plan for which you need Fiduciary Liability insurance, speak with us to discover your choices. Those might include multi-employer plans, also known as Taft-Hartley plans, such as those provided by unions.

Foreign Liability: Protection Abroad

Covers an organization’s third-party liability for bodily injury and property damage, arising outside the coverage territory of a domestic liability policy, for the following items:

  • Premises/Operations
  • Products/Completed Operations
  • Automobile Maintenance, Use or Operation

Coverage includes liability for the work-related injury or disease of foreign-based employees, not otherwise covered by statutory Workers’ Compensation insurance.

  • Repatriation
    Insurance covering reasonable and necessary costs associated with returning a citizen to their home country during a medical crisis or after their death.

General Liability – Coverage From Every Angle

Covers damages and defense costs for bodily injury, property damage, personal and advertising injury to third-parties arising from your negligent premises, operations, products or completed operations.

  • Employee Benefits Liability
    Covers loss due to errors or omissions in the administration of your employee benefit plans.
  • Product Liability
    Covers your legal liability for third-party bodily injury, or property damage, resulting from products you manufacture or distribute to others.
  • Hired & Non-Owned Auto Liability
    Covers your liability for third-party bodily injury or property damage due to the negligent use and operation of an automobile that is rented, hired or borrowed in the course of your business.

Management Liability/Directors & Officers Liability – Providing Security For Those At the Top

Covers individual corporate directors and officers for liability arising from wrongful acts, errors or omissions committed in the course and scope of their duties, as specified within a policy. Coverage can also be provided to the organization in the amount that is legally required to indemnify corporate directors and officers for specified wrongful acts, errors or omissions.

Personal Directorship Liability – Protecting the Independent Director

Personal Directorship Liability (PDL) is a liability policy for independent directors that responds when certain losses are not indemnified by their companies, or not paid by other Directors & Officers Liability insurance.

The policy is designed to meet a variety of needs for an independent director and can be customized to cover any combination of boards that a director serves on. PDL can be the last line of defense for independent directors before they need to tap into their personal assets to respond to a claim.

Coverage Highlights

  • Comprehensive Independent Directorship Coverage
    A PDL that protects a director’s personal assets against each individual position that he or she chooses to designate for coverage, whether for a publicly traded, privately owned, or not-for-profit company.
  • Individual Protection
    PDL protection providing a dedicated limit for a sole insured person, to help protect their individual assets
  • Last Line of Defense, with No Retention
    This coverage applies for loss in excess of any other insurance, and is indemnification from any source; it takes effect prior to the insured tapping into his or her own assets. This can occur when the underlying insurance:

    • Is financially unable to pay
    • Has been rescinded
    • Is precluded by breach of a non-severable warranty
    • Is deemed part of a corporation’s bankruptcy estate, rendering the corporation unable to indemnify
  • Drop-down Coverage
    In this case, the PDL covers damages in excess of those that are covered by a corporation’s existing D&O Liability policy. In addition, in the event that the indemnification under the existing D&O Liability policy is rendered uncollectible, the Personal Director’s policy extends to apply.
  • Freedom to Choose Defense Counsel
    PDL most often facilitates the freedom of the insured to choose their defense council.
  • Spousal Coverage
    PDL allows a spouse or domestic partner to be named as co-defendant, and to be covered in addition to the Director as an extension of the policy.

Policy limits of up to $10 million are available.

Pollution/Environmental Liability: Keeping Your Business Clean

Virtually every business has exposure to environmental issues; but did you know that these risks are excluded in standard Property and General Liability policies? Pollution/Environmental Liability policies provide coverage for an organization’s clean-up costs, for third-party bodily injury or for property damage, along with associated legal costs, due to pollution conditions arising from its operations.

Pollution liability extends beyond a leaking underground oil tank – there are many contaminants to consider, such as mold, lead, allergens and fumes. Coverage is available for gradual, sudden, accidental and, in some cases, known contaminants.

Owens Group has the expertise to identify these risks and to help you properly cover them.

Product Liability: Safety First 

Provides liability coverage for third-party bodily injury or property damage, due to the use or consumption of products that you manufacture or distribute to others. Products Liability insurance would provide your legal defense, as well as pay any settlement or judgment that your business would otherwise be required to pay.

Professional/Errors & Omissions Liability: Covering Your Processes and Performance

Covers the damages and defense costs of a designated person or organization, for liability arising from wrongful acts, errors or omissions enacted in the course — and scope — of their duties. We can provide coverage for the professional services of almost any firm, including doctors and their assistants, dentists, orthodontists, anesthesiologists, attorneys, accountants, architects and engineers, designers in multiple disciplines, realtors and many more.

Please contact us for a complimentary consultation and assessment.


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